Beckside, Whicham, Millom, Cumbria LA18 5LU

01229 772298


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Berkeley Lab scientists create first 3-D model

Pellentesque nulla dui, rutrum a accumsan eu, lacinia quis odio. Nullam tincidunt laoreet lectus, in malesuada magna egestas eget. Suspendisse porttitor mollis urna quis ornare. Quisque porta vehicula ante quis ornare. Fusce at est eget nulla mattis sodales quis vel risus. Aliquam vitae neque sed augue semper fringilla et non arcu. Donec ac mi metus, vel facilisis arcu. Duis blandit urna quis elit elementum ultrices. Nunc massa neque, dapibus sit amet sagittis id, congue quis diam. Fusce eleifend commodo vestibulum. Etiam elementum nulla non mauris egestas convallis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam ullamcorper luctus consequat.

Tagged in: sportlive Thank You

Critics of F-35 jetfighter procurement appear

Curabitur in tortor vitae urna cursus aliquet. Aliquam malesuada enim id arcu dictum sit amet euismod nisi sagittis. Integer consectetur convallis velit at pulvinar. Quisque nec sapien nec purus adipiscing viverra. Nunc sit amet dapibus mi. Vivamus a volutpat dui. Mauris blandit ipsum ut ipsum rutrum vitae laoreet velit accumsan. Nunc in nunc non orci rutrum dapibus. Vestibulum bibendum turpis eget elit placerat bibendum. Sed feugiat arcu et est ullamcorper ac porta metus sollicitudin. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis rutrum augue quis augue tristique commodo.

Critics of F-35 jetfighter procurement appear

Curabitur in tortor vitae urna cursus aliquet. Aliquam malesuada enim id arcu dictum sit amet euismod nisi sagittis. Integer consectetur convallis velit at pulvinar. Quisque nec sapien nec purus adipiscing viverra. Nunc sit amet dapibus mi. Vivamus a volutpat dui. Mauris blandit ipsum ut ipsum rutrum vitae laoreet velit accumsan. Nunc in nunc non orci rutrum dapibus. Vestibulum bibendum turpis eget elit placerat bibendum. Sed feugiat arcu et est ullamcorper ac porta metus sollicitudin. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis rutrum augue quis augue tristique commodo.

Another wind project goes online in the West Mojave

Nulla venenatis pretium sollicitudin. Etiam lectus quam, feugiat blandit dictum tempus, vestibulum vitae nibh. Sed consequat, dolor ac adipiscing ultrices, velit justo vehicula dolor, in pharetra est purus sit amet urna. Cras semper sollicitudin nisl at posuere. Vestibulum adipiscing dapibus ipsum euismod ullamcorper. Proin tincidunt faucibus enim, sed malesuada orci pretium at. Fusce sed orci dui, et consequat nisl. Etiam id urna sit amet tellus dapibus vehicula. Aenean gravida, libero at congue fringilla, nisl risus ultricies odio, in tristique sem ipsum id velit. Proin adipiscing est sit amet ipsum semper at mattis risus fringilla. Proin felis nisl, interdum vel aliquam nec, pharetra at diam.

Beckside Farm

Situated in the Whicham Valley

Beckside Farm, situated in the Whicham valley on the South Western Lake District has been owned by the Morris-Eyton family for over 300 years and is the base for all that we do at Beckside.

Hydro technology

Sustainable Green energy

The Beckside hydro Electric Scheme, built in 2012 uses the Beck that flows through the farm to generate electricity to power the farm and buildings.  Any additional power generated is sold back to the national grid.  Since commissioning the scheme has produced over 1,000,000 kWh of electricity.

Pipe Welding

State of the art pipe welding expertise

Over the years at Beckside we have developed a wealth of expertise and knowledge of Pipeline installations utilising both Butt Fusion and Electrofusion methods.
To date we have successfully installed Penstocks at 6 sites throughout Cumbria and North Yorkshire, with pipe diameters ranging from 400mm to 560mm.


Skilled operators and range of attachments

Our team of highly skilled excavator drivers have experience in working in numerous sometimes difficult environments.  With our range of excavator attachments such as breakers and concrete mixing buckets, we are able to successfully operate in remote locations with difficult access.

Commercial Sheep

Fell going Swaledale ewes and homebread mule ewes

The commercial flock at Beckside comprises of a combination of fell going Swaledale ewes and homebread mule ewes that are grazed on the farm.

Swalesale Champion Stoneside Shepherds Meet

Hallbeck Flock

Pedigree Swaledale Flock

The Hallbeck flock is a Pedigree Swaledale Flock belonging to Patrick Morris-Eyton.  Patrick started showing his sheep at a few shows in 2013 with considerable success at local shows and also more prestigious show such as Broughton-in-Furness, Penrith, Cockermouth and also Muker.

beckside hydo construction

Hydro Scheme Construction

Complete hydro schemes

Since 2011 Beckside Construction has successfully installed 6 Hydro Electric schemes with a 7th currently under construction.  The schemes are located in Cumbria and North Yorkshire and range from the smallest at 87kW to the largest at 250kW.

Popular News

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Beckside Dairy Development

Beckside Dairy Development Exciting new developments are afoot at Beckside…

13 December 2018 - 15035 Views

Beckside Construction in the News

Various news agencies provided coverage of the efforts made by…

30 June 2015 - 13504 Views

Latest News

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Breaking Ground for Beckside Dairy Development

Thursday 28th March marks the start of a new era at Beckside farm as work begins on the new dairy development. The staff at Beckside gathered at the site of…


UK Arla Farmers Become Full Co-Op Members

As an original supplier in 1994 to MD foods, the forerunner to Arla, we are delighted at last to become full members of Arla.  It was our ambition following the…


Using Genomics to Improve Dairy Performance

On 3rd December Beckside Farm was host to a Farmers Weekly Farm walk with the subject of genomic testing and calf rearing. We have been using genomic testing at Beckside…


Beckside Dairy Development

Beckside Dairy Development Exciting new developments are afoot at Beckside farm! After much discussion into the future of farming operation at Beckside the decision has be made to expand the…


Robert Takes Up Key Role At Robson & Liddle

Robert has recently been appointed as a consultant chartered surveyor for Robson & Liddle (Rural) ltd. As a chartered surveyor Robert specialises in farm tenancies, partnership issues, utility claims and…


Little and Large

Its not often that our fleet of excavators are at the same site at the same time, especially our largest machine the JS220 20 tonne Excavator and smallest the JCB…



Beckside Farm, Whicham, Millom, Cumbria, LA18 5LU

by phone: 01229 772298

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